
Theropods were a Saurischian kind of dinosaurs who where carnivorous. They had sharp fangs and teeth which helped them to hunt down other dinosaurs.

Carnotaurus was a theropod who lived in prehistoric South America. It had two horns in it's head.

This is a North American dinosaur who was about 3m long. Deinonychus is believed to hunt in groups. Deinonychus means "Deadly-claw." These dinosaurs had a large and razor-sharp claw which could be used to strike a killer cut in the third finger of their each leg.


This dinosaur probably moved in groups, searching for prey. The crest on its head may have been brightly coloured and used to attract mates or to signal others in its group.

The largest meat-eater of its time, Allosaurus was a huge creature with big powerful back legs and a thick S-shaped neck. Its teeth had jagged edges for slicing throgh flesh.

This dinosaur was built for speed. Its leg bones were almost hollow which made it light and able to run fast. Coelophysis lived in North America and was one of the first Teropods.

This massive hunter was even larger than Tyrannosaurus. Its biggest teeth were an amazing 20 centimeters long and could slice deep into the flesh of its prey.

Tyrannosaurus Rex
One of the best known of all dinosaurs, this mighty hunter lived towards the end of dinosaurs' rule on earth. It had a good eyeslight for spotting its prey at a distance. Its 50-60 teeth were 1.5meter long. T-Rex had large and heavy tails and legs which helped them to run faster, but T-Rex arms were small as human arms.

One of the earliest dinosaurs, Eoraptor moved quickly on it's slender back legs. It was a meat-eater, but it may have also eaten animals that were already dead (scavenging).

Another one of the earliest dinosaurs, and a fast moving hunter. Herrerasaurus has legs that are much longer than its arms.

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